
Mária Bieliková
She is a full professor of software and information systems at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU), member of High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence established by European Commission in 2018, former member of Board of Governors of Joint Research Center
She leads User Experience and Interaction Research Centre at the same university. She has more than 30 years background in artificial intelligence and software engineering teaching and research. Her career involves also a long term acitvity of seeking and suport of young talented researchers, participation in various project challenges solving innovative ideas many times in the first line of new technologies (also as part of international competitions such as Imagine Cup), in collaboration with industry (leading projects in collaboration industry) and other fields (psychology in particular), which always create an excellent space for various discussions related to ethics and our future.
In her research she is primarily interested in the Internet, the Web, user modelling, personalization and all related issues well connected with artificial intelligence that continuously change our society. She serves in the editorial boards of several scientific journals and in programme commities of numerious international scientific conferences, which play in informatics still principal role due to rapid development of the field.
Prof. Bielikova currently acts as the dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies STU. She is active in several professional bodies, in particular she is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, senior member of the Association for Computing Machinery (currently serving as a chair of the Slovakia Chapter), registered as Chartered Engineer in Engineering Council UK. For 13 years she served as a member of the executive board of the Slovak Society for Computer Science. She was a member of the Accreditation Commission established by the government of the Slovak Republic as its advisory body.
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