Future Minds
Ernst Mach Workshop VIII, June 12-13, 2019
Czech Academy of Sciences Bldg,, room 206, Národní 1, Prague, Czech Republic
The 8th Ernst Mach Workshop -- a two-day event organized annually by the Department of Analytic Philosophy, the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague -- will be co-sponsored by the Karel Čapek Center for Values in Science and Technology. The theme of the 2019 workshop will be metaphysical and ethial issues in artificial intelligence. The keynote speakers are the world-renowned experts in the fields of philosophy of mind and technology Prof. Susan Schneider (University of Connecticut) and Prof. Mark Coeckelbergh (University of Vienna). In celebration of Prof. Schneider's recently completed new book, we have decided to call the event "Future Minds."
© 2018, The Karel Čapek Center for Values in Science and Technology